There are several ways to become a content creator on Education Ecosystem, formerly known as LiveEdu. The very first step is always to register your account as a content creator. Here is how.
Navigate yourself to the home page, There in the upper right corner, you can see a blue button “Sign Up”.
You will be taken to the page to create Education Ecosystem account. There fill in your email address, desired password, its confirmation and Start Learning.
Alternatively, you can create your account via your favorite social media account:
- GitHub
- Microsoft Live
- Twitch
After creating your account you will be taken through Education Ecosystem tour to specify details of it. Firstly you’ll be asked to create a username.
After picking your username you’ll be asked the most important question regarding your account - your role. Do you wish to study, or to create projects?
As this manual serves for creators, pick an option “I want to Create Projects”.
You will be prompted to add your contact information on which we can communicate with you. Reach you in cases of an issue or request. You will be asked to fill in your Skype and/or your Hangouts.
When successfully added your contact information, it is finally time to verify your address you’ve chosen as your Education Ecosystem primary.
Confirming your email your fresh Education Ecosystem account will be created and you can proceed to the login page.
Now you are, officially, a content creator on Education Ecosystem and you can start creating projects on the platform.
Not sure what to create? Would you like advice or join a community of creators?
Join Education Ecosystem Slack group. Here is how:
Visit our Slack invitation link and verify your email address.
The next step is to check your email and verify it with instructions within.
By verifying your email you’ll be prompt to enter your full name and desired password.
Voila, you are a member of our Slack Group!
Furthermore, you can contact our Project Manager Dušan Količ on Slack, or via email
Last, but not least, we are on Skype, where you can join us for faster communication.
Our Skype name is:
Like to self-study? Education Ecosystem prepared for you a handy manual for Project Creators!
In our manual called Earn money by creating projects, you will learn
- How Education Ecosystem works
- How to create your first project
- How to get paid being a creator
- What other project creators say about us
- How to join the creator’s Slack
- Who are our category managers and how to contact them
- And a handful of useful links to other important resources
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